Be Part of Our Gateway of Hope

Your generous donation provides tuition assistance for students in financially disadvantaged families, opening a gateway to an excellent academic and faith-based education at a Catholic school of their choice within the Archdiocese of San Antonio. While any amount helps, donors contributing $1,200 or more are considered "Champions of Hope" and can designate funds to be used at the school of your choice.

If you have any questions or would prefer to make your gift over the phone, please call (210) 734-1910  or email

To make a gift by mail, make checks payable to Hope for the Future and send to:

Hope for the Future

Archdiocese of San Antonio

2718 W. Woodlawn Ave.

San Antonio, TX 78228

Make a gift

$150 - Champion of Hope

$150 - Champion of Hope

$100 - Champion of Hope

$100 - Champion of Hope







$1,200 - Champion of Hope

$1,200 - Champion of Hope







Your Information

Payment Information

Next you can easily make your payment using the selected digital wallet.

Contact us:

Hope for the Future Manager
Beverly Duke
(210) 734-1606