Thank you for supporting the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Respect Life Fund. This fund supports the work of numerous non-profit, respect life organizations within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, who do not have the resources or public exposure to directly request public donations to great effect. Be assured that your donation will go towards a vetted organization’s respect life program, which will provide much-needed services for people underserved in any of the areas mentioned in the U.S. Bishops’ 2001 document, Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities, including: support for pregnancy services, post-abortion healing, advocacy for the disabled, or care for the chronically ill, dying, those on death row and victims of violent crime. A small portion of these funds are used to sustain Respect Life programming, especially the work of Project Rachel, our post-abortion ministry. Your financial support goes a long way to helping small, non-profit organizations in your communities continue the work to respect life at every stage of existence from conception to natural death.


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Thank you for your support of the Respect Life Fund of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. If you have any questions about your gift please contact Bob Wurzelbacher, Director at or phone 513-263-6674. Â