We are brought together from all walks of life through various ministries and services to do God's work of justice, mercy, outreach, and formation.  Supporting Our Mission Together, the Annual Diocesan Appeal for the Diocese of San Jose, provides the financial support of these ministries and services for all Catholics in our community. It also gives parishes the opportunity to raise significant funds by earning rebates over their own individual parish goal.  Thank you for being a beacon of Hope in our Diocese with your prayers and financial support.


St. Clare Society 

To be a disciple of Christ, one needs to follow Him with a spirit of selflessness and sacrifice.  By joining the St. Clare Society, you take this call to discipleship to heart.  Members are leaders in advancing the mission of the Diocese of San José, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and providing a pathway of hope to those in need.  With a gift of $1,500 or more, you are helping to establish a legacy in this diocese for future generations of disciples. 

Giving levels:

Circle of Joy – Gifts of $7,500 and above
Circle of Faith – Gifts of $3,000 - $7,499
Circle of Hope – Gifts of $1,500 - $2,999

St. Francis Society 

St. Francis’ appreciation for God’s creation earned him the title of “Patron of the Environment.”  You, too, can be like St. Francis of by making the environmentally conscious decision to donate to the Annual Diocesan Appeal with a sustaining gift.  Sustaining gifts renew automatically each year and can be paid monthly or annually from your credit card or bank account.  Electronic giving saves the cost of printing, mailing and postage which protects the resources given to us by God.  By helping to reduce overhead costs, more of your gift directly supports the ministries, programs and services of the ADA.

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If you have any questions about your gift, please contact Donor Services at giving@dsj.org or at (408) 983-0292.