Dear Brothers and Sisters,
At this time of year, the Diocese of Rockford announces the Diocesan Appeal.
The theme of the appeal this year is “Know Him, See Him." In building our relationship with Christ, we are capable of loving others even more. One way we can show compassion for others is by supporting the ministries, programs, and services that make a huge difference to families across the diocese. These programs include Catholic Charities, seminarian formation, Catholic Schools, and so much more.
I ask you to prayerfully consider making a gift to the 2023 Diocesan Appeal. Every gift makes a profound difference in the life of our parish and our diocese.
I am very grateful to all of you who supported last year’s appeal with generous hearts. This year, the Diocese of Rockford is asking us to support the Appeal with $121, 961.00. Please remember that whatever we raise beyond this goal returns to our parish.
The appeal envelopes have been mailed to registered parishioners, who have supported the Appeal over the last 18 years. Those of you who have not received these envelopes, I ask you to take them from the church, and after prayerful consideration, please make a pledge to support this appeal. Please bring your envelope to next week’s pledge weekend.
We ask you as always to be as generous as you can. No offering is too big or too small. We thank you for all. If each family gives $150-200 to this year’s appeal, our goal could easily be achieved.
Thank you for your great generosity. Your participation and prayers are essential to our success. It is really crucial that we all feel responsible for that common interest. Our Franciscan Community keeps you in our daily prayers.
Peace and Goodness.
Fr. Zbigniew Zajchowski, OFM Conv.