Our Lady of the Chesapeake

Our Lady of the Chesapeake

Our Lady of the Chesapeake

Our Lady of the Chesapeake

All Items

Select Item Frequency First Payment Date Final Payment Date Amount
OLC Roof and Clerestory Capital Campaign
Stewardship Commitment
Support for Evangelization & Catholic Schools
Repairs and Maintenance
TUITION for Religious Education & Sacramental Prep
Poor Box
Summer Mission--Middle School Youth Ministry
Knights of Columbus Events
Catholic Heart Work Camp July 14th-20th, 2024
Appalachia Work Camp June 25th-29th, 2024
All Souls
Youth Ministry Events (NOT tuition)
Social Ministry Income
Winter Relief - Homeless Shelter Week
Triennial Collection for Military Services
Special Collections - Charitable
Palm Sunday
Adult Faith Formation Donation
Religious Education Donations
Memorial Donations/Mass Intentions
Solemnity of Mary
Special care for Diocesan Priests
Ash Wednesday - Eastern Europe
Catholic Relief Services
Holy Thursday
Good Friday - Holy Land Shrines
Easter Offering
Easter Flowers
Ascension of Jesus
Catholic Communications
Peters Pence
Missionary Cooperative
Black & Native American Missions
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Archdiocesan Schools
Mission Sunday
All Saints Day
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Thanksgiving Day
Immaculate Conception
Retired Religious
Christmas Offering
Christmas Flowers