All Souls Catholic Parish

St Ann Lansing - St. James Sauk Village - St. John Glenwood

All Souls Catholic Parish

Warm All Souls: Furnace Fund

Warm All Souls:  Furnace Fund

Make a Contribution


We find ourselves in dire need of replacements for the furnaces in the church and the boiler in the school building.  The church units were installed when it was built in 1997 and are now obsolete and nearly impossible to repair.  As a facility in full-time use, the church needs to maintain comfortable temperatures in all seasons.  As for the former school building, the original boiler was a retrofit installed in the 1950s that has been failing as of late--if it is not improved and maintained, the damage to the building could be catastrophic.  The building will be an additional revenue stream when we can rent it out, but first, the boiler must be upgraded.  We need to raise $100,000 to replace and maintain the systems in both buildings.