St Alphonsus - Chicago

St Alphonsus - Chicago

St Alphonsus - Chicago

Easter Donation

Easter Donation

Make a Contribution


We want to thank you for your prayers and support to our parish.  We are encouraged and confident that our faith guides us to a better future, as our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ reminds us, He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. 


Witnessing the faith of the people of our parish has been a source of joy and a sign of hope for the future of our community. We seek this continued response in faith this Easter season and throughout the year that we may grow as a community of love and service.


Just as it is vitally important to be healthy through sleep, diet, and exercise; it is as important to keep your prayer life consistently strong. May Jesus' gift of peace at Easter bring every happiness to you and your loved ones. May you understand fully His love for you and may your life reflect that love to all you meet.



Happy Easter!

Yours In Christ,

Rev. Steven Bauer and St. Alphonsus parish staff