St. Jerome Catholic Church

St. Jerome Catholic Church

St. Jerome Catholic Church

World Mission Second Collection

World Mission Second Collection

Make a Contribution


This collection is limited to the month of October


In the World Mission Second Collection we are called to personal encounter with Jesus Christ alive in the Church, and to offer, through this Eucharistic celebration, our prayers and our generous financial support, through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, to continue the mission of Jesus. Today we are “sent” out to witness to Mission in the world through our prayers and personal sacrifices for our brothers and sisters around the world. As little as…

-> $25 helps support a catechist for a month in remote Latin America

-> $75 provides for the work of religious Sisters caring for orphaned children in Africa

-> $100 assists poor children in boarding schools in Asia

As always, your prayers are your most treasured gift to the Missions. Your prayers and financial help, offered today, WORLD MISSION SUNDAY, support mission priests, religious Sisters and Brothers, and lay catechists who are Christ’s witnesses to a world so in need of His healing, love, and peace.