St Vitus Parish (FSSP in Los Angeles)

The Extraordinary Form parish of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter in Los Angeles

St Vitus Parish (FSSP in Los Angeles)

Saint Vitus Builders

Saint Vitus Builders

Make a Contribution


The Saint Vitus Builders is a five year pledge campaign to raise money for the Building Fund. We need a large permanent church for St. Vitus Parish! Our congregation has grown so quickly that we no longer fit in our little church and we attend all our Masses in a tent at the mercy of the weather. 

Donors who donate to the Saint Vitus Builders will be recognized as Builders, in the same way as those who donated to the Founder's Campaign are recognized as Founders.
Those Builders who give more than $100 each month for five years (or a total of $6,000) will receive a rare commemorative Saint Vitus Coin, minted from a precious metal, according to the the following list: 

Copper: pledges of $100/mo for a total of $6,000

Nickel: pleges of $200/mo for a total of $12,000

Silve: pledges of $500/mo for a total of $30,000

Gold Plated: pledges of $1000/mo for a total of $60,000

Solid 24k Gold: pleges of $10,000/mo or any gift over $500,000

Please contact Fr Fryar for any questions or to find out more about the Saint Vitus Builders!

May God reward your generosity!